Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Going into "The Secret Agent," I prepared myself for a story jam-packed with action, top-notch espionage, and secrecy.  However, after reading through a hefty chunk of the book, I came to the realization that this was NOT the James Bond type thriller that I assumed it would be.  That does not mean that I am not enjoying the book thus far.  Although relatively slow, I am able to sift through Conrad's hand-crafted sentences a lot easier than "A Tale of Two Cities."  In my own opinion, the language is more modern than that of Dickens'.  I am able to catch the drift of what is actually occurring, as opposed to having the reread a section because my head is spinning. I've noticed that Conrad uses very accurate adjectives to describe a situation, although I still have a few questions on what Mr. Verloc looks like (I picture him in a large trench coat with a creepy hat).  I can honestly say that I went into reading this book with an optimistic attitude based on the title alone.  That has made the difference for me.  If the book did not have the mysteriously simply title of "The Secret Agent," I would not be so curious and eager to continue reading.  The reason that the title has such an influence on me probably has to do with the fact that I'm a boy.  Let's face it, we like that kind of stuff.  Although the sentences may have a few big words here and there, I must admit I am enjoying the slow-paced beginning that the book presents.  The fact that nothing really has happened so far is not an obstacle, because, based on spoilers that I've heard during class, I can tell that the action will soon pick up.

1 comment:

  1. Trench coat, creepy hat: yup. I think he looks overfed too, may be needs blood pressure medication. What did it for me? Conrad actually using the term "agent provocateur" in the book.
